My name is Barbara. I woke up one morning with an epiphany: what this troubled world needs right now is another food & lifestyle blog.
My food & lifestyle blog.
OK, this is not even remotely the truth. The idea of sharing my love for things that make life beautiful has been cooking in my mind for quite a while. To make it more tasteful and, to be honest, to assure that it ever comes out properly (because I’m permanently doubtful of everything…) I asked my dear friend Aleksandra to join me in this adventure. She is a great cook, loves to travel and is always bursting with energy. Aleksandra grew up in Split, lives in Novo Mesto and practices Pediatric medicine in Ljubljana. On the other hand, I graduated Veterinary medicine, but for over 20 years I work as TV host and radio DJ in Zagreb. We have rather different culinary routine (she provides meals for her husband and two adolescent sons on a daily basis, I cook only if and when I’m in the mood). She inherited a part of her cooking style from her bulgarian ancestors while mine involves my hungarian roots. Even our esthetics seems to be different. But what we have in common is the most important. We both truly believe that sharing a meal with your loved ones as well as discovering new places and meeting new people are some of the greatest pleasures in our lives.
If the food for you isn’t just a fuel but each taste comes with a story, emotion or a memory, you came to the right place. We are two amateur cooks searching for a new challenge and a way to channelize our suppressed creativity. I doubt we’ll shake the foundations of your culinary world but we’ll be more than happy to share our successes as well as our failures in the kitchen field. Together with our experiences from hopefully many exciting journeys I believe you’ll find them inspiring.
The world may not need yet another food & lifestyle blog. But we most certainly do. So, we’ll keep taking life spoonful by spoonful. And, who knows, even something good for the world might come out of it.